3 Poems (anything, other; me & pete; i can’t listen to ben gibbard…) - groupie mag - Issue 001: First Times
Petal - DEAR Poetry - Issue 1
Act of Shrinking - What Are Birds? - 1.1
wake - tenderness lit - (february - august 2018)
To Start - Beech St. Review - Vol. 3, Issue 1
3 Poems (Slugger; Earth 2; Speed Mirage) - FreezeRay Poetry - Issue 14
Diminishing Returns - Rust & Moth - August 2017
The Power of Grief (essay) - The Poetry Question - (July 2015)
4 Poems (Photograph #1; Translations; In Which the Author Visits His Mother’s Grave; Photograph #2) - Drunk in a Midnight Choir - (April 2015)
2 Poems (My Mother’s Ghost Visits Our Living Room; My Mother Becomes a Ghost) - Potluck Mag - (February 2015)
2 Poems (These Mornings; After the 5th Mile) - The Rain, Party, & Disaster Society - Vol. I, Issue VII
He Thinks He Is a Sailor - Voicemail Poems - Fall 2014
2 Poems (First Kiss; Co-Counselor Vlad Sets Up the Scene) - The Misanthropy - Issue 1
The Flash Crashes My Father’s Second Wedding - The Emerson Review - Issue 43
3 Poems (Springdale Park; Charles River at Midnight; Sestina for My Hometown) - Maps for Teeth - Issue 1
Bruce Willis in Ten Parts - FreezeRay Poetry - Issue 2